Friday, January 8, 2021


Author: Robert Harris
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf 2016

Cardinal Lomeli, the Dean of Cardinals, had received a call at 2 AM that the Pope is terminally ill.  The Holy Father was dead even before he entered the Pope’s bedroom.  

Now he has to lead the Conclave to elect the next Pope.  Two third majority is needed from those 118 cardinals who are eligible to participate in the Conclave to elect a new Pope.  There are few contenders and all of them have some secrets to hide.  Cardinal Lomeli had to get to know all 118 cardinals, including the cardinal from Colombo, in the next three days as he leads the Conclave.  Fortunes of those inspired to become a Pope fluctuate as damaging secrets of not so pious Cardinals were revealed one by one.

Harris has done his research as usual, and this is an excellent read.

The following is the passage where we get to know about the Cardinal of Colombo.

Lomeli had kept an eye out all evening for Tremblay, it wasn’t until the end of the meal, when the cardinals were queuing for coffee in the lobby, that he had the chance to approach him.  The Canadian was standing in the corner holding a cup and saucer and listening to the Archbishop of Colombo Asanka Rajapakse, by common consent one of the great bores of the Conclave.

I do not believe our current cardinal fits this description.

Ps. I learned later that there are only two Sri Lankan cardinals.  Cardinal Cooray and Cardinal Ranjith.  I also found out that Pope Benedict has given the approval to the canonization of Cardinal Cooray.  Who knows ... One day we may have a big match between St. Cooray College and St. Ranjith College.

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